Masterplan, Residential
boyne avenue
Client Dunkeel
Location Drogheda, Co. Louth
Size 25,250sq.m
Status Planning
This proposed development consists of192 dwellings, gym, creche, workhub, cafe, as well as a large public park at a site on Boyne Avenue, Drogheda, County Louth.
Situated on the banks of the River Boyne it seeks to maximise the views and amenity value of the water and provide medium density residential accommodation on the edge of Drogheda town.
The location is ideally sitauted to the east of Drogheda town, approximately 20 minutes walking, 7 minutes cycle, or 5 minutes drive into the town centre. The existing site, which measures 3.8Ha has some inherent challenges which
must be addressed to enable development, as follows:
- There is a steep slope all along the northern boundary where the new access point is to be located. This can be designed around to allow a road to slope within regulation maximum gradients.
- The proximity, to the east, of the large industrial plant, presents a visual challenge. We would seek to design the scheme in such a way as to minimise views towards this factory.
- A Seveso site to the southwest required liaison with the HSA to ensure the quantum of development is acceptable.
We have proposed a simple and logical site plan layout as a starting point for the concept development. The idea along both main boundaries is to minimise the overall massing by turning the blocks perpendicular to the boundary.
This provides a series of East/ West aspect blocks which are ideal for residences. It also minimises the massing when viewed from the River and this will be vital due to local concerns about development along the Boyne.
The central green space is designed to be of sufficient scale that it relates to the existing football pitch, but relocated slightly to provide better balance on the site. The road is kept away from this parkland to allow safer and more pleasant access to the park from the apartments. The blocks sitting in the park will feel part of the parkland and the blocks on the perimeter will engage with the wider context.